Am I In Porn? | Find yourself in millions of porn videos before others do
The search engine to find out
if you appear on porn sites

Find yourself in millions of porn videos before others do

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Start by uploading a picture

Healing Education

What do you get?

Screenshot showing search results

Millions of porn videos are on the internet without the consent of those affected. Our face recognition technology is able to perform image comparisons in a few seconds, find similarities and thus help you protect your personal rights.

After uploading a photo of your face our image search engine will screen the biggest adult websites to find possible similarities.

The results show the most exact matches so you can directly check and report if necessary.

How does it work?


All you have to do is upload a picture of yourself with a few clicks.

Safe, Secure and Discreet

Your uploaded image will not be saved at all times.

Fast search

We will search within millions of videos in a few seconds.


The AI-based facial recognition technology we provide allows you to most precisely find the content you seek.

We are there for you

If you found yourself in a video
we will help you to remove it.



Our mission is to empower people to protect their personal rights and preserve their dignity in the digital space.

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Chances are that you are also affected, like e.g. every 5th person in Australia or several VIP's all over the world.

Even if no real material of you exists at all, it is possible due to new technologies like deepfake.

Want to know more?


Open Positions

If you want to support us in our mission to empower everyone to defend their personal rights and preserve their dignity in the digital space, get in touch with us!

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